As some of you may or may not already know, we very recently finished printing volume two of GATE and have shipped out all preorders for them. If for any reason you preordered GATE vol. 2 and it has not arrived yet, do not hesitate to contact us at support@sekaiproject.com.
First of all, sincere apologies are in order. When the idea of pursuing manga first came up, none of us could have imagined the ordeal that would have taken place to get all of this off the ground. Nevertheless, we offer our sincerest apologies to everyone we let down on this release. While some factors were out of our control, it doesn’t change the fact that we dropped the ball on this project.
A lot of users have expressed their opinions on whether or not we should continue on this series and the majority would prefer that we hand this license off to someone else. On that matter, we want to make it very clear to everyone that Sekai Publishing does not have any intention of continuing GATE. We have no control over which licensor can go and take up the mantle of localizing GATE but whichever company chooses to do so has our blessing and any cooperation we can offer.
We hope everyone that was interested have finally had the opportunity to enjoy both volume 1 and 2 of GATE. It was a learning experience and we were happy to have had the chance to work on this series.