This week we’re bringing you your favorite titles from ALICE IN DISSONANCE and putting them on sale for all to enjoy! Looking to dive right into the world of Rughzenhaide and follow Selphine and Ritona, look no further!
fault – milestone one, the game that started it all is a whopping 66% off! Follow the story of Princess Selphine and her bodyguard Ritona. Their homeland of Rughzenhaide is attacked and in a desperate act to save their lives, they are transported outside the castle far away from the home and in a new land they don’t recognize. How will they get back home, and what will be the fate of Rughzenhaide?
Followed by fault – milestone two side:above on sale for 50% off! Selphine and Ritona are back, follow the events of fault – milestone one in this direct sequel!
Then enjoy the side story of Mhakna Gramura and Fairy Bell, a short story of a fairy tale from this vast universe! Pick it up for 20% off!
Also, don’t forget their DLC that are also on sale!
Pick up these titles on sale now until July 5th and immerse yourself in this fantasy world where magic is real.