In the distant future, humanity has turned Venus into a livable environment. However, not all is well on Venusian soil as political intrigue pushes the way to help a young girl, the ace pilot known as Sonic Venus, to find the whereabouts of her missing father. Take to the skies of the second planet of the sun in this thrilling …
Tobari and the Night of the Curious Moon
It’s a platformer about magic and whacking things! What does that mean? It means you go around whacking enemies with your staff to get their magic! But ultimately, all you need to do is make it to the goal!
Love at First Sight
After falling in love at first sight with the shy Sachi Usui, an injury-ridden, single-eyed high school girl, the protagonist tries to win over her lonely and isolated heart. A pure, heart-warming romance game where the apple of your eye only has one eye!
Sunrider Academy
You are Kayto Shields, an ordinary man thrown into an extraordinary adventure. It was only his first day as the vice president of the Sunrider Academy student council when the unreasonable class president appointed him to be the school club manager. “These clubs cause nothing but trouble,” she said. “I’m appointing you to take charge and fix them up by …
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