In the far future on the moon, humans have begun to colonize it. A young boy named Haru has been chasing his wildest dream. His dream is to stand where no man has stood before, and in order to do so he needs capital, a ludicrous amount of capital. What better place to get that amount of capital by using …
Project LUX
The crime… is murder. Our story takes place in a court trial, set in a futuristic world where most humans have cyberbrains. The defendant on trial is an agent who coordinates with artists to create the data for cyberbrains to interact with people’s emotions. The victim is a girl artist named Lux. The jury has to investigate what really happened …
The conclusive episode in this visual novel trilogy is set in the far future on the moon, 16 years after humans have begun to colonize it. Will Hal’s dream be realized? It’s been 8 years since the events of episode.01 and his dream is still to stand where no man has stood before, and in order to do so he …
Haru woke up with his life but without his dream. 4 years after the incident, he finds a new cause, as a driven young lady offers him a chance to return to investing and to find justice.
A three part visual novel set in the far future on the moon, 16 years after humans have begun to colonize it. A young boy named Haru has been chasing his wildest dream. His dream is to stand where no man has stood before, and in order to do so he needs capital, a ludicrous amount of capital. What better …