A jump scare free, skill-based survival horror sequel to the 2019 adventure! Four years have passed since the Whitlock Mansion tragedy. Florine, a former maid, is determined to resurrect the person who means everything to her. To succeed, she must travel past the third dimension and into the realms beyond. Otherworldly horrors lie in wait, but Florine is determined to …
Clea is a jump scare free, skill-based survival horror adventure. Mum and Dad have been experimenting on Chaos Servants, but now, the monsters have been let loose. Clea, with her brother in tow, must escape from the Whitlock Mansion. Watch your back, Clea. Those closest to you may be the real terror. Skill-focused horror: Clea is primarily a test of …
fault – milestone one
fault is a series of Science Fantasy Cinematic Novels using a unique 3D Camera system for a visually immersive reading experience, which follow the story of a princess named Selphine and her Royal Guardian Ritona. When a sudden assault devastates their homeland of Rughzenhaide, the two are forced to escape… but somehow end up teleported into an unknown forest full …
Last Stanza
December, 2009. On a day in the last week of that month, I realized how slowly dripping tears had a shivering yet uneasy feeling. The coming of winter turned the air thin and cold. The clouds blocked out the sunlight that normally reached the ground making it seem as if the sun was absent. Many days passed and life seemed …