
Anime Central 2024 Announcements

Published on May 22, 2024

Another year of Anime Central is now over. For everyone who couldn’t make it to our panel this year, come check out the project updates and announcements we had.

NEKO-NIN exHeart SPIN!, the next chapter in the NEKO-NIN exHeart game series is now in QA testing! The game introduces a whole new cast of characters as well as ninja cat girls for fans new and old. While it isn’t required to get in to this latest chapter, consider checking out the rest of the NEKO-NIN exHeart games to get yourself acquainted in the crazy and comedic world of ninjas, catgirls and ninja catgirls. Nin nin!

For More Information:
NEKO-NIN exHeart Collection on Steam


A Maiden’s Serenade is currently wrapping up translation. One of the many titles acquired back in 2021, this will be the next feng title we will be focusing on once editing work is complete. Thank you for everyone’s patience as we work to get each of the remaining feng titles localized and ready for release.

For More Information:
Sekai Project acquires feng’s game lineup


Work is still in progress on the novelization of the Memory’s Dogma Code: 01 game. As mentioned before, once typesetting is finished and this is made available for Kickstarter backers, we’ll look in to getting the light novels up on digital bookstores such as Bookwalker and Amazon Kindle for everyone waiting to read the continuation of this series.

For More Information:
Memory’s Dogma Code:01 (Steam)
Memory’s Dogma Code:02 (Light Novel)
Memory’s Dogma Code:03 (Light Novel)


Last, but certainly not least is our new license announcement for Anime Central 2024. Yes, Wagamama High Spec Overclocked, the fan disc to Wagamam High Spec is coming out West to Steam! We know that a lot of users have been waiting on this title for a long time and we’re glad to finally make that a reality. English translation is still in the early stages but we hope to have further updates moving forward.

Wagamama High Spec Overclocked features several short stories for each of the four original heroines of Wagamama High Spec. In addition, there are new story routes specifically focused on homeroom teacher, Iwakuma Yukari, Narumi Kouki’s editor, Takatsuka Chitose and classroom representative and fan favorite, Watanuki Karen.

For more information:
Wagamama High Spec (Steam)

That’s it for Anime Central. Thank you to everyone that came to visit us at our booth as well as our industry panel. Next stop for us will be Anime Expo this July. See you there!