It’s been a while but we’re back in Dallas, TX for AnimeFest this weekend! Find out all there is to know about our appearance at this year’s event. While this isn’t the first time Sekai Project has been to AnimeFest, this is the first time we will be exhibiting at this event.
July 28 – 31, 2023
Dallas, TX
Booth Information
Location: G8
Below you can find our sales list for the event. We have a very limited number of goods for AnimeFest including a number of items such as the limited edition release of Root Double and ClANNAD Side Stories for PC. These Kickstarter items will not be reprinted so don’t miss out! We will also have copies of our 10th Anniversary Book as well as our latest NEKOPARA tote bag featuring Shigure and Fraise.
Panel Schedule
Sekai Project: 10 Years in the Gaming Industry
Friday, July 28th, 4:00 PM in Panel Room 5 (Hotel, 2nd Floor)
Join Sekai Project as we celebrate 10 years of publishing visual novels in the West. From CLANNAD, NEKOPARA, the 9-nine- series and many other titles, we’ve been involved with the publishing of some of the most well-known visual novels in the West. There will be discussions on our current plans as well as announcements on upcoming titles. We’ll also have a brief Q&A session and perhaps some giveaways too!
Visual Novels, Game Development, and Game Publishing
Saturday, July 29th, 3:00 PM in Panel Room 2 (Convention Center, 1st Floor)
Are you a game developer? Perhaps someone interested in developing visual novels and even have a game pitch? Stop by this panel hosted by Sekai Project CEO Chris Ling who will go over things to be mindful as well as pitfalls to avoid when pitching to a publisher. Even if you aren’t a developer, there’s plenty to learn about the process of developing your own game as well as gain insight on what a publisher may look for.
Kickstarter, and other ways to SELL your design
Sunday, July 30th, 4:00 PM in Panel Room 4 (Hotel, 2nd Floor)
This is a joint panel hosted by SJ Games founder and game designer, Steve Jackson. The panel will be a discussion on how to sell your design and product on Kickstarter and through other avenues.