Which is longer, past or future? —April 1st, 2236 A.D. —99 e-mails were unread. —99 e-mails from the same sender… her. This tale began five years earlier, in the spring of 2231. Mankind has evolved a new kind of communication ability called “telepathy”. Yotsuba notices a young girl who does not use telepathy in his first term. In the days …
NEKO-NIN exHeart 2
Japan. From time immemorial, there are those who possess superhuman abilities. These beings who looked like a cross between man and beast are called Demi-Humans. They acted as Ninja and served those in power. And so time passes to present day—— “We have come from the Fuuma Village to fulfill an ancient contract. To serve you! Nin♪” Yura and Tama. …
Tactical Chronicle
It’s been over 20 years since the fearsome demon lord invaded the realm. Now it’s time to take it back. Lead your army to victory in this strategic adventure game. Craft a party of your favorite kinds of fighter and choose how they fight. Fill out different tactics for your units to take, and discover the surest paths to victory.
The Bell Chimes for Gold
Maria is a plain old herbalist training diligently under the watchful gaze of her loving mentor. Her skill in crafting items gets her within arm’s reach of her goal of getting enough money to marry. But then, her mentor who she was supposed to be a happy couple with suddenly marries his pretty childhood friend! “With your skills in crafting, …
Fatal Twelve
Shishimai Rinka was a high schooler who ran a small café named Lion House in place of her grandmother. She lived her life much like any other person her age, but one day, she was caught up in an explosion while returning home on the train alongside her friend, Hitsuji Naomi. In an attempt to save her friend’s life, she …
Re;Lord 1 ~The Witch Of Herfort And Stuffed Animals~
In a fantasy world where magic exists, the demon realm faced an unprecedented danger. Three “witches of disaster” appeared and invaded the demon country of Saarland. Due to the recent peaceful times, Saarland lacked the skills to protect the territory of Groesen. Recognizing the witches’ overwhelming powers, such as the ability to change the form of others, they surrendered the …
Tropical Liquor
Welcome to Tropical Island. “But onii-chan, you’re just some part-time bum, aren’t you? On top of that, your age equals the years you’ve never had a girlfriend, right?” The player (that’s you!) is a part-timer who lives an uneventful, boring life. One day, you win the prize draw at the shopping district. The prize: a trip to an island in …
Creature Romances: Kokonoe Kokoro
BUG REPORT! Take on the role of Ichitarou Ichinose, an average, easy-going high schooler with an average life. He doesn’t know what his dreams for the future are. He doesn’t have any exceptional talents. But can he win the heart of his childhood friend, Kokonoe Kokoro? She isn’t like the other girls. She’s a grasshopper. A big one. Enjoy this …
Project LUX
The crime… is murder. Our story takes place in a court trial, set in a futuristic world where most humans have cyberbrains. The defendant on trial is an agent who coordinates with artists to create the data for cyberbrains to interact with people’s emotions. The victim is a girl artist named Lux. The jury has to investigate what really happened …
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