My Little Sister’s Special Place

Sekai Project Staff2023, feng, Games, Releases, Sekai Project

Our hero, Youhei Nase, used to go to Akiba a lot when he was younger. His reason for doing so wasn’t to have fun, but for his little sister’s sake. Even still, he ended up becoming a big fan of Akiba’s game centers. At one point, he becomes friends with one his classmates, who happens to be a rich girl, …

Memory’s Dogma Code:02

Sekai Project Staff2023, Books

A continuation of the near future visual novel game, Memory’s Dogma Code:01. It is recommended to play through Code:01 before reading Code:02 Code:02 and Code:03 share a similar beginning so it’s optional as to which you wish to start with first. Kokonoe Akane Route After Akane and Ema barely escaping Sigma’s attack at Tokyo University’s graduate research institute’s memorial hall, …

Getting Freaky With Fujiki

Sekai Project Staff2023, Games, Kurenaibook, Releases

“Hey, do you like aquariums?” In a secluded room of a coworking space, you meet a female student named Fujiki. She talks to you about things in her daily life which you quietly listen to in your room as you work on your school assignments. All while hoping for some peace and quiet. How will your daily life change in …

Revival Quest

Sekai Project Staff2023, Games, Releases, ShiroKuroSoft

Elsinki, a humble mining town, is the destination for the swordswoman, Ravilia, and the mage, Tyris, making their return home after five long years. They are shocked to see that their hometown has been turned on its head. With the mine shut down and the town left abandoned, it seemed all but certain that the girls would lose their home—until …

Slobbish Dragon Princess 3

Sekai Project Staff2023, Games, Releases, Whirlpool

A few weeks have passed since the tumult of Iris, the Rainbow Dragon, leading her Sea Dragons to Earth to take over the world’s oceans. The dragons’ attitudes have softened since then. They no longer threaten to annihilate anyone who gets too close to the sea, for one. Humanity and dragonkind are beginning to adjust to a new world of …

My Girlfriend’s Special Place

Sekai Project Staff2023, feng, Games, Releases, Sekai Project

Part of a series of games focusing on protagonist Youhei Nase and his relationship with different heroines in each volume. One day, our hero is headed home from Akihabara when he’s mistaken for a molester. The person accusing him is his childhood friend, Fuyuka Akiyoshi. When they were both children, she was a well-dressed and lovely young rich girl, and …

Sunrider 4: The Captain’s Return

Sekai Project Staff2023, Developers, Games, Love in Space, Releases

Captain Kayto Shields returns from exile in Sunrider 4: The Captain’s Return for a new space adventure! The highly anticipated sequel to Sunrider: Liberation Day, The Captain’s Returnis the stunning continuation of the Sunrider saga as Asaga, Ava, Sola, Icari, Claude, and the other former members of the Sunrider crew resume their war against the forces of the Crimson Fleet. …

QUALIA ~The Path of Promise~

Sekai Project Staff2023, Developers, Games, PURESIS, Releases

“Machina” is the world’s first android to pass the Turing Test. She’s attracted worldwide attention for her human-like qualities though there’s still some part of her that is not fully complete which shows that she still has room to grow. Incidentally, she is also dressed like a maid. At the suggestion of his colleague, Dr. Hiro Koshino ends up taking …

Alice Escaped!

Sekai Project Staff2023, Developers, Games, illuCalab, Releases

One summer’s day, Usada and Kotora go to the library to do their homework. While Kotora takes her studies seriously, Usada has her head in the clouds. She wanders over to a bookshed deep inside, returning with a big, thick book. “I found this interesting-looking book!” Kotora looks back at her quizzically. Suddenly, a slip of paper falls out from …