
Sekai Project Staff2017, Games, PacoProject, Releases

The story follows a certain Kazuma Saeki who is living an ordinary high school life. Surrounded by friends, especially his cute girlfriend Yukari Izumi, his school days could not be any better. However, on a bus ride back from “Alpaca Kingdom” he wakes up from a nap and finds that it’s not Yukari that’s sitting next to him but an …


Sekai Project Staff2017, Games, Purple Software, Releases

Next in line to manage a multi-million dollar corporation is our protagonist, Rei Sawatari.He inherited one very important heirloom from his late grandfather: a single pocket watch that grants him a mysterious power— ‘The power to go five minutes back in time.’ It’s an ability he can use as many times as he wants. Convenient as that might sound, with …

A Butterfly in the District of Dreams

Sekai Project Staff2017, Games, Life a Little, Releases

Olive Village… that was the name of this town, as well as this world. This otherworldly town has a nostalgic, retro-like flavor. For ages, it has prospered, and continues to prosper without end. Every corner of the place is bustling with people, and warmth. It is both old-fashioned, yet refreshingly new. Neither magic nor spells exist here, but there is …


Sekai Project Staff2016, Games, Releases, Spicy Tails

The conclusive episode in this visual novel trilogy is set in the far future on the moon, 16 years after humans have begun to colonize it. Will Hal’s dream be realized? It’s been 8 years since the events of episode.01 and his dream is still to stand where no man has stood before, and in order to do so he …

Love, Guitars, and the Nashville Skyline

Sekai Project Staff2016, Cosmillica, Games, Releases

From Nashville to New York, It’s 800 miles of love. Amanda Etheridge is just an average, closeted lesbian working at an advertising agency in New York… At least until the huge project she was in charge of collapsed through no fault of her own. Now the former workaholic has been put on paid leave, but without her work, what is …

Japanese School Life

Sekai Project Staff2016, code:jp, Games, Releases

Welcomed by the fluttering of cherry blossom, the main character, Brian, starts a new high school life in Japan. Brian soon starts to get along with two girls in the same class after they start to talk to him. With their help, Brian gradually learns Japanese culture and customs. He deepens his friendships with each girl as they teach him …

Memory’s Dogma CODE:01

Sekai Project Staff2016, Games, LizArts, Releases

It is the year 2030 A.D. With the recent advancements in information technology and neuroscience in Japan, human memories can now be saved and recorded via a technology called “e-Memory.” Numerous state-operated facilities now exist that will allow one to communicate with the deceased: the “Connect Center.” College student Kusuhara Hiroki struggles with suicidal impulses after the sudden passing of …

Ne no Kami: The Two Princess Knights of Kyoto

Sekai Project Staff2016, Games, Kuro Irodoru Yomiji, Releases

~At dawn, the moonlight illuminates the old capital enveloped in fog. Guided by fate, bound by their thoughts, the maidens dance. Amid a spiral of despair, the beloved princess and her guardian knight overcome their fear. Gazing up at the dawn sky, the princess of the earth gently averts her eyes. Descended from the heavens, bearing her dreams. Scooping up …

Just Deserts

Sekai Project Staff2016, Games, Releases, Vifth Floor

Just Deserts is a sci-fi action dating sim where you play as a soldier who must protect a city from mysterious alien attack, while at the same time need to capture the heart of your dream girl(s)!