August 1, 2018 | News
Gate Vol 2, The Delays and an Apology
At Sekai Project we pride ourselves in quality releases when it comes to our physical goods. So we want to explain the situation to you with as much transparency as possible as to what has caused the extended delays with Gate Vol 2. Below are 5 images from inside Gate Vol 1. This is the standard you should expect...
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July 30, 2018 | News
This week we’re bringing you your favorite titles from ALICE IN DISSONANCE and putting them on sale for all to enjoy! Looking to dive right into the world of Rughzenhaide and follow Selphine and Ritona, look no further! fault – milestone one, the game that started it all is a whopping 66% off! Follow the story of Princess Selphine and her bodyguard Ritona. Their homeland...
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July 27, 2018 | News
Sekai Project July Updates!
Anime Expo 2018 brought plenty of announcements of new releases coming to Sekai Project, did you miss the news? No worries we’ve got you covered! Here are our Anime Expo release announcements! Last StanzaDeveloper: InnocenceInnocenceIt was a day in the last week of December 2009, when I found out that slowly dripping tears had a shivering yet uneasy feeling. The...